The Design Conference is a creative symposium navigating the industry through the minds of creative predecessors and guiding your journey towards forging your craft. This project involved comprehensive social media strategies to promote the importance of attending by inspiring potential attendees with an invaluable experience in its lead-up and after it concludes.
// Meta Analytics
// Marketing
// Copywriting
// Video Editing
// Adobe Creative Suite
I was among like-minded professionals with various marketing, copywriting and design roles. Collaborative group helping to widely promote TDC whilst sharing skills. My role was video editing and content creation across each social media, focusing on its central platform, Instagram. Disclosing any graphical assets and stylings used is not my creation and belongs to the TDC brand style guide.
Establishing social media layouts helped keep post designs consistent and imagery centred. Speaker announcements comprised brief biography introductions as conjoined panoramic panels in various image orders. Archival posts of past speakers broke up the regular schedule to further build FOMO and maximise engagement.
After the event's conclusion, I kept followers engaged and inspired until the following TDC announcement by creating speaker recap highlights. I got more involved in the areas of copywriting and marketing. Introducing upcoming speakers took a different approach to producing content by taking advantage of Instagram's reel feature to accelerate engagement further and improve brand awareness by reaching broader audiences. A short showreel of work overlaid with event and speaker details.
// +3.5k — Increase in followers
// +1k — Average views per reel
I achieved outstanding results through strategic planning, effective scheduling, analytics utilisation, and the incorporation of new features. It resulted in a notable increase in brand reach within the target demographic and substantial growth in viewership. Furthermore, collaborating with peers and gaining experience in a studio setting expanded my knowledge and skill set. Throughout the project, I further enhanced my visual storytelling, marketing strategy, and data interpretation.